Human beings have a deep longing for community – it’s in our DNA. We’re social beings! As a coach and leader, I’m a person with a purpose to help, heal, and evolve those around me, but at my core, I believe I offer the most value as a gatherer. I can gather people who are seeking growth and create connection and commonality amongst them.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been comfortable and confident with the art of connection. I value connecting and forming relationships with every person – from every walk of life. My ability to connect has improved through my years as an athlete playing different sports, and then also as my career progressed as a CrossFit/performance coach.

There is something special about seeing a group of people come together – diverse in background, but profoundly connected by their like-minded goals, purposes, and objectives. I have always been comfortable around a diverse group of people, one of my greatest strengths has become my ability to bring people together despite their differences in age, gender, backgrounds, beliefs, or ideologies. 

Over the years, I’ve witnessed people who appear to have nothing in common, discover that they have this beautiful, seemingly unexplainable connection. Two people at completely different stages of life, oftentimes have so much in common. It’s a rather powerful and beautiful reality that I see within the walls of CrossFit MFP every day. Connection matters – and we can reach our potential by connecting, collaborating, and supporting each other. Our future depends on it, and to be properly positioned for the future, it’s crucial that we understand the past.

A Brief History Lesson on Connection

Humans have grown and evolved as social beings. Tribes grew into communities that became civilizations and cities. Despite variations in culture, religion, and traditions, there exists a fundamental interconnection amongst all human beings. You may think you’re completely different from someone living in another part of the world, but that could not be further from the truth. 

Let’s play a game – same but different 

Cultures have developed through belief systems and religions. Take Christianity and Buddhism, for example. On the surface, these two religions seem incredibly different. However, at their core, they both have the fundamental same message – love and care for others. 

There are so many different sports teams and organizations – the NBA, the NFL, Major League Baseball. Sure, the game played has different rules, but at the end of the day, they all serve the same purpose – elite performance and passionate fan communities. 

Social media has Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, etc., but platform doesn’t really matter when it comes to the core function.

In everything that we do, we have an innate desire to come together and form communities. In each faction, you see a group of people united with a similar common goal, purpose, and desired outcome. Despite their differences in applications and perspectives, they are united in spirit. Differences emerge for so many reasons – upbringing, culture, and traditions, all can be influential in shaping someone’s perspectives. But my point is this – when we overlook surface level differences, we discover the beauty and power of spiritual connection in community.

So, what does all this mean for you? If you want to thrive, it’s important for you to follow the path to the right tribe, team, and community. 

Connection is in our DNA, so what?

CrossFit Founder Greg Glassman understood the significance of community when instilling the core values of his model. CrossFit is special for many reasons, but what truly makes it stand out is that community is fundamental to its ideology. CrossFit was structured to be group-oriented training. From its very beginning, Glassman understood that group training would be key to its success. In my opinion, no other fitness methodology is as dependent on the collective unity of group training as CrossFit. The camaraderie and group atmosphere was the standard I was desperately seeking.

CrossFit is inclusive. It’s designed for anyone and everyone who walks in the door. Infinitely scalable, anyone can and should partake in CrossFit programming. It prioritizes functional movement that we need to thrive and achieve longevity. By blending physical movements and mental adaptations within a community, you realize that CrossFit does something special. In fact, it’s a masterpiece of human wellness optimization.

A CrossFit coach needs to be more than a teacher of movement. They need to be able to work with people of all ages, sizes, levels, identities, and ethnicities. A CrossFit coach is responsible for fostering community, forging connections, and making all people feel both comfortable and included. I’m quite grateful for this challenge and responsibility. The result – seeing a diverse and passionate community come to life – is a remarkable feeling.

In my 12+ years coaching CrossFit, I have been humbled by my experiences coaching a diverse community of incredible people. I see them improve physically, mentally, and spiritually everyday – and this also carries over into my team sport coaching, as well. I have established bonds with incredible people. People who once were strangers have become friends, and even family. I’ve seen people who at first seemed so different connect and establish personal and even professional relationships because of it. Being responsible for a community and witnessing it grow and unify people is more than gratifying, it inspires me and provides my life with meaning. At CrossFit MFP and other gyms around the country, you walk in the door and suddenly surface level identities no longer matter. What matters is your connection through a common purpose. 

What about individual training?

By this point you might be wondering – what about individual training? Does this mean you have to train in groups?

The answer of course is that individual training is still incredibly useful and effective! I have an extensive background with personal training and one-on-one sessions offer many advantages for both the coach and the athlete. I still implement it at times – and it is worth another discussion in a future article. For now, remember there is value in individual training. It’s just a different experience that is not necessarily comparable to a group-focused modality. 

Remember, life is about balance. You can make plenty of progress going solo. In fact, it’s crucial for human beings to spend time alone. In these quiet moments, you’ll find opportunities for self-reflection. Solitude allows you to grow spiritually, dive deep into your psyche, and learn new things about yourself and the world around you. Plus, on a more practical level, you can develop very specific strengths in an individually targeted training program. 

At the end of the day, having an isolated and individual mindset can only take you so far. I believe that if you want to achieve your wholistic potential, you should find a strong community of like-minded individuals. This will change your life, improve your life, and bring you so much joy.

Find your tribe

If you fear connection or feel like you wouldn’t be able to fit in with a community, I encourage you to take the leap of faith and try. I have found that I work best with individuals who have had doubts regarding their abilities to fit into a community – aka The MisFits. I identify as a MisFit. I don’t identify with one core group or crowd, instead I feel a connection with everyone I encounter in some way. It has helped me develop a business, lead a team of dedicated employees, train sports teams, and embark on this captivating journey of changing people’s lives.

#GetMadFit Tips:

  1. To find your tribe and find your vibe – you need to seek belonging, purpose, and support. If you’re still searching, a CrossFit gym is a great place to start. But remember, always do your research. A CrossFit gym owner should be driven by purpose and passion for community.
  2. Think intuitively! Feel the vibe. Sometimes, you just can’t explain what you’re searching for, but if you’re seeking energy, you must open yourself to receive it.

Personal homework: Look for commonalities within others vs differences. Think about someone within your own community who you think has almost nothing in common with you! Then, take a moment to get to know them. Connect with them. You’ll find that there is quite a bit that connects you if you look deep enough.

2 responses to “Teamwork Makes the Dreamwork: Building a Diverse, Powerful Community  ”

  1. […] Basically, CrossFit is saying that you will never truly be “fit” if your physiological parameters go towards the left. If you move the part and look the part…well, great job. More importantly, you must BE the part internally. CrossFit focuses on Nutrition and Health markers just as much as physical development. During Greg Glassman’s final years as CEO, he had a mission to focus on public health. He still is relentlessly attacking Big Pharma and Coca Cola for the dumpster mess that, as Dr. Peter Attia calls it, Medicine 2.0. Greg clearly understood the importance of developing a functional fitness program that had the direct purpose of improving physiological and biological health markers. In addition, CrossFit supports emotional and mental health through community empowerment.  […]


  2. […] Connection empowers us. Dr. Strange sought out the Ancient One for guidance, and I found mentorship from a wise Yogi. We often seek teachers, mentors, or spiritual guides who can help us navigate the complexities of the spiritual realm. More importantly, having a strong support system of individuals who are willing to understand your spiritual process is extremely important for you to properly integrate these steps. […]


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