#JustShowUp is our mantra here at MFP. It’s a phrase that we live and practice every single day. It’s a way of being that means a lot to me, and one that is applicable to all aspects of life. Recently, I’ve spent some time thinking about our mantra and unpacking what it truly means. After thought and reflection, I realized the #JustShowUp mantra manifests its true power if show up exactly as you are.

Forget inspiration, act with principles

If you ask family members, friends, or a stranger about doing something – whether it be fitness, professional, personal, or anything honestly – they oftentimes show an interest. But they resort to that one comfortable answer – I’m not ready yet. Maybe it sounds like this:

“I’d love to do CrossFit, but I need to get fit first.”

“I’d love to start taking care of myself, but I need to take care of this one stretch at work first.”

“I’d love to read more but I’ve been stressed and can’t get myself to pick up a book right now.”

Or maybe, the avoidance sounds like this:

“I want to overcome [insert fear], but I don’t feel ready right now.”

But throughout my life, I’ve learned this fundamental lesson – you will never feel ready. There always will be something floating around your mind that makes you feel like the present moment is not quite right. But these thoughts, feelings, and anxieties are playing games with you. Taking meaningful action demands courage and strength to get uncomfortable and do what you have never done before. You cannot wait to feel the right way or for the moment to be right for you. Change and evolution comes when you show up as you are, no matter what.

Feeling inspired is nothing more than a feeling. Of course, it’s a nice feeling. But like the less desirable feelings (sadness, anger, anxiety, fear), it fades. Inspiration is fleeting, and you know from experience that if you rely on it, you’ll likely end up with disappointment. Instead, establish principles. Principles are permanent foundations that you live by. A principle might be something as simple as making two home cooked meals per day, no matter what. Or perhaps it’s making time to read or meditate every day – even if your mind is pulsing and craving distraction. Establish principles that reflect your highest self and live by them even if every thought and feeling is screaming to make an exception.

How does this look in practice?

Close your eyes and envision your life exactly as you want it. Spend as much time as you need meditating on it, and you will discover all the answers inside of you. You know who you are, and you know the life you are meant to be living. Now, take this beautiful vision and establish principles that are reflective of it. Then, prepare yourself for one of life’s unkind realities – the path will come with resistance. Emotions, feelings, and thoughts are going to emerge like hazards on a road. Shift your mindset to understand that you cannot move forward by pushing them away or running from them. You’ll just find yourself stuck or going backwards.

Instead, surrender and accept that these challenges are just a part of the journey forward. Before you know if, they’ll fade into the distance like anything else. So, go to the gym when you are feeling anxious or perhaps a little down. Read your book or meditate when your thoughts are racing. Follow what is inside of you and do the things that matter to you regardless of the external forces you experience. This powerful practice changed my life – and perhaps it can have a similar impact on yours.

 The other side is closer than you think

When it feels impossible, or like you will simply never feel quite right again, recognize it as a signal. Oftentimes, it means you are so close to a powerful breakthrough. I’m sure you’ve heard the cliché “the night is darkest before dawn”, but there is so much truth to it! All these feelings that seem so real and burdensome are signals firing from our primal genes that are still adapting to a life of comfort. As the real you experiences all of this, just hang in there and just show up. You are on the cusp of something special.

Putting this into practice is liberating. You discover that the real you is capable of being present in every moment – whether it is at the gym, at work, at school, at home, etc., no matter what you are experiencing. You’ll recognize a divide between your spirit and your body/brain. Your spirit knows sincere happiness and fulfillment, and nothing can get in the way of that. So, when you hear all that noise in your head and feel like something is in your way of showing up, hang in there. Be who you are – despite how it feels.

Let go and come as you are

Don’t think about a pink elephant riding a bike! Alas, I bet you just thought of exactly that. The more you resist anything, the more it persists. Instead, allow yourself to feel what comes up no matter what you are doing. Show up to the gym feeling anxious. Go out with friends feeling sad. Go on that trip even while you’re grieving. We cannot control the flow of emotions and attempting to do so just gets them blocked and stuck. There is no determining when the right time is to feel – surrender to the ebbs and flows of life. Doing so is a remarkable reflection of emotional intelligence that eventually – unlocks true joy and peaceful being. So, come as you are! Don’t be afraid to be sad at a “happy place”. Because no matter what you’re feeling, you are showing up as you. That’s what matters.

Are you ready to take action?

I’ll end with a bit of reflection. Think about your own life and consider one thing you truly want but are waiting to feel ready to move towards it. Your feelings are valid and important, but never let them influence your action. Feelings fade. You know what to do, and you know who you are. Stop waiting and resisting. #JustShowUp no matter what – and make it non-negotiable. Sometimes it is uncomfortable. I know that, and I feel that. But I promise there is light on the other side. Your best self is on the other side.

Learn more about Coach Joe by visiting the CrossFit MFP website.

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