How Have You Evolved? 

What does it mean to evolve? Recently, I’ve been reflecting on this question. I choose to use the term “evolve” instead of “change” for a reason and it’s not because “changing” is a bad thing! In fact, I typically refer to making change as positive. I have always looked at change as a way to motivate others. I help “change peoples’ lives” in hopes that years from now they will be healthier, happier, perform better, and live longer.

However, making change is not easy. For many, change can be intimidating, and not everyone makes change in a positive way. Change is not guaranteed. If someone lacks commitment or approaches the process with negative energy, change will not happen. This is a reason why I have been constantly coming back to the idea of evolving. I use the term “evolve” as a way for us to take all of the positive notions of change and put them into effect. This establishes a path to gradual, sustainable, and infinite growth. When we begin to evolve, we create a path of positive purpose in our lives to thrive as our highest selves.

You may be wondering how this makes sense, so here is a simple and effective way of understanding the basics via Pokémon. In the “pokesphere,” most Pokémon are brought into their world in their most basic form. It is known that these Pokémon have this infinite potential to level up, or EVOLVE, and become powerful beings, but only through taking action. For example, Charmander to evolve, it must embark on a path to explore the universe, and put in gradual, consistent work.

So, you could become a Charizard…IYKYK.

The main question you should be asking yourself now is – how have I evolved? Or better yet, how CAN I evolve? I cannot answer that question for you. However, I can take you on a journey of my personal evolution.

What Have I become?

I frequently reflect on my own change and evolution, as I am not the same person that I used to be. Sure, I physically look different, feel different, matured (kind of), and project myself differently than 12 years ago. Specifically, I am directing this to my life’s purpose. When I was 17 my life was redirected onto a path I did not expect, and every year since then I can truly say that I have put in some form of effort to evolve in a way that I felt that the universe intended for me. Thirteen years later, as I am still exploring this vast real-life “pokesphere,” I have slowly evolved from my basic physical human form into a slightly more enlightened one with some wisdom to share.  Although I am nowhere near achieving, nor may I ever achieve my true “higher self” or evolved status, I am saying that I have a clearer path towards it, with some doses of humble pie and bumps in the road to keep me aligned.

At the end of each year, I try to look back and say, “This has been the best year of my life yet,” as I consistently reflect on how I am different from Marco the year prior. This evolution comes through experiences, opportunities, and even obstacles that have been presented to me. These led me to take action so I could understand myself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. This development results from a deeper connection to myself, and more importantly from serving others.

I have evolved into a leader, athlete, entrepreneur, husband, mentor, coach, colleague, and just an overall positive influence on a large community of people. I have learned to intertwine these evolved personas into my own unique way of finding purpose and fulfillment in life. This evolution allowed me to become the type of person I was, who I wanted to be, and who I WAS meant to me.

Now, there is another area of evolution that I have been waiting to reveal. It involves my calling to evolve as a Psychonaut, aka an individual who explores human consciousness. My past of exploring the deeper consciousness of self and soul was a part of my spiritual healing. As I learned to evolve through presented obstacles in my life, I was presented with the equal opportunity to learn about contemplative studies (mindfulness education) at West Chester University. In a general sense, mindfulness is a foundation of Psychonautics. Before you explore your inner world (spiritual), you must be aware of exploring and understanding your outer world (physical).

The spiritual concepts of mindfulness were always something I wanted to revisit during my CrossFit evolution. In miniature ways, I have included mindfulness and exploring consciousness in unique, and more “palatable” ways through those developed personas (coach, athlete, entrepreneur). Intuitively, I knew that one day an opportunity would come for me to go deeper into this Psychonaut persona. I have always known that there are infinite possibilities to tap into by going deeper into our own minds and exploring the collective consciousness around us. At least this was what I was mentored by my mindfulness teachers.

The universe revealed that I had more to offer the world. Something was missing in my ability to fulfill my training in mindfulness to help, heal, and evolve others. I simply had to be open and ready to receive this opportunity to expand on this ability to evolve. This missing piece needed to be more meaningful, impactful, and sustainable, to fulfill my life’s purpose.

Finding the Missing Link: Costa Rica 2022

In December 2022, my opportunity presented itself. I am on a plane preparing a fitness routine for a group of individuals partaking in what I assumed was a wellness retreat that integrates all assets of well-being. Alice Dommert, my CrossFit student, colleague, mentor, modern Shaman, and retreat organizer, insisted I be the person who was to connect the pieces of this retreat puzzle by offering functional fitness daily practices. Her faith in me will soon provide me with more than I could have ever imagined.

I found myself immersed in a community of people discussing their experiences with a program called Vital, created by the organization Psychedelics Today. They are all students learning about…psychedelics. Here I am, an outsider looking in, the fitness guy slowly putting pieces together that these people are openly talking about substances. Understand that I was under the impression that these are “bad drugs.”

Immediately, I made an interesting observation. All these individuals have diverse, knowledgeable, and unique backgrounds. Additionally, I found these people to be some of the most open, caring, loving, and compassionate people I have spoken with in a long time.

More interestingly, I came to learn that they are there to participate and receive practical education in a “Transpersonal Breathwork ” experience. In the most general sense, they intensely breathe listening to provocative music, while being cared for by a personal “sitter,” facilitated by “space holders.” Then, they document their experiences with art and then come together as a collective group to discuss and process their experiences. The end goal is for the individual to go deep into their consciousness to explore and heal, also known to as developing the “inner healer.”

I was immediately intrigued. My initial observations of this retreat made me feel those same feelings as my early days as a Psychonaut persona when exploring spirituality, mindfulness, and human consciousness. I was slowly coming to realize that I was partaking in this missing link I knew I would revisit at some point in my life.  As I soon found out that I was going to participate in these breathwork ceremonies with the collective group, I embraced my CrossFit mentality, “prepare for the unknown and knowable.” 

Six days quickly came to an end, and I left the retreat questioning myself on so many levels. I reflected on my personal growth within this short window, which made me feel so…whole. The experience included:

4 transpersonal breathwork sessions (2 sitting, 2 journeying)

Daily physical fitness

Connecting with nature and honoring the land

Nourishing through quality food

Meditation/yoga practices

Intuitive/expressive dance

Make meaningful, deep, and personal connections with others

This experience made me question what it truly means to be happy, healthy, well, and fulfilled. It made me realize that I have only been scratching the surface of what it means to change lives. More importantly, I realized that my evolution had barely begun.

Lastly, I became curious about this unique group model facilitating breathwork/psychedelic medicine, and the concept of the “inner healer.” It came naturally – especially since the model of connecting and improving our health coincides with many of my philosophies. My business thrives on community, connection, #JustShowingUp, and taking action. I returned home with the conclusion that my potential to help others was just beginning.

Daydreaming like Harry Styles

“Trust, Let Go, and Be Open”: William Richards

This quote by OG Psychonaut and Psychedelic researcher, William Richards, has meaning that transcends helping someone navigate a psychedelic journey. This quote reflects having endless curiosity about our life’s purpose… Specifically, my own life’s purpose.

Why am I feeling called to these people? 

How have I connected to a group of people on a deeper level that I am missing in my communities at home? 

How have I yet to explore and evolve my potential to help others? 

What the hell are all of the psychedelics about and how do I learn more? 

How do I get involved with this Vital program and community?

I must trust that the universe is providing me with these opportunities for a reason. By accepting and surrendering to receive, I can then take action. Thus, these are the initial steps for me to evolve into who I am meant to be and unveil this new evolved persona.

*These two pieces of artwork are expressions of my two breathwork journeys. Ironically to look back at these now a year later, as these themes significantly continue to grow and reveal themselves.

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