*Owner of FFN, Coach Amie Landis

Sleep plays a critical role in many aspects of our health and wellness.

When we sleep, our body is at rest, including our brain. This results in an increased flow of blood and nutrients to the muscle tissue for repair and growth. When we are sleep deprived, our cortisol levels increase.  Simultaneously, two appetite-related hormones will be affected. Leptin, the hormone that controls “fullness” will decrease and ghrelin, the hormone that controls hunger will increase. 

In summary, insufficient sleep causes our body to prioritize the storage of fat and water due to the increased cortisol, which leads to increased hunger. These hormone shifts often increase cravings and overall food consumption.

If you’re trying to decrease your body fat percentage (aka lose weight, and tone up), sleep deprivation will make this process harder. You’ll become hungrier and have increased water retention due to inflammation.

If you’re trying to perform well and gain muscle and/or strength, lack of sleep will lower inhibit the body’s ability to recover and create muscle. 

How Do You Improve Your Sleep?

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